Charlotte Brönte – Jane Eyre
Daphne Du Maurier – Rebecca, Jamaica Inn
J. R. R. Tolkein – The Hobbit, The Lord Of The Rings
Jane Austin - Pride And Prejudice, Emma, Sense And Sensibility
Wilkie Collins – The Woman In White
Emily Brönte – Wuthering Heights
Janice Elliott – The Sadness of Witches
I absolutely adored Jane Eyre, Rebecca and Wuthering Hieghts. Tolkein I started reading age...8? And I loved it even then. In fact - I found all of these spectacular books. They are classics for a reason i suppose.
Sew what is left on my book shelves for me to read?
Victor Hugo – The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Virginia Woolf – Orlando
William Makepeace Thackeray – Vanity Fair
Mary Shelleys – Frankenstein
Margaret Mitchell – Gone With The Wind
Anya Seton – Dragonwyck
Alexander Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo
Charles Dickens – A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol
I'm nearly finished Vanity Fair - and Orlando has a long forgotten bookmark between its pages. Gone With The Wind needs reading desperately - I feature! And Dickens, i think may be hard going - a different style to my favoured girls - Brönte's, Austin, Du Maurier.
There are some classics that also need adding to my collection. I have in mind...
Louisa May Alcott – Little Women
Bram Stoker – Dracula
Oscar Wilde – The Picture of Dorian Grey
Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
Jane Austin - Persuasion
Oh hey but i don't just read these things - i slip silly things in there too! I recently read Dodie Smiths 101 Dalmations and of course i have a bizarre collection of fantasy books throughout my shelves (i'm a Harry Potter fan, His Dark Materials, The Abhorsen Trilogy, Twilight too!). I have C. S. Lewis and Lewis Carrol awaiting me also - for my more childish days!
Maybe i'm being a tad ambitious...theres not enough time for all this right now - i WILL get round to them all eventually though.
I leave you with what i found when I went home at the weekend, curled up in my suitcase, trying to sneak back to Glasgow with me!!